The Graduation day

14th March, 2020

Graduation day.. The most awaited day of my life for you my boy. I had always envisioned myself wearing the black robes and the fancy hat for my graduation day but it never materialized. When I got a notice from your teachers that they would be conducting a graduation day for you I was more than excited. The preparations had begun a month before your big day. You came home and sang a few Bollywood songs. I was quite amused as you had never heard them before at home.  I questioned you further and you mentioned that you have been dancing in school. After probing further, you showed us some steps on the songs you sang. I was delighted that you showed a fair interest in dance. It became a routine to dance to your performance songs every night and then retire to bed.

A week prior to the graduation day, there was a spread of a deadly virus due to which the government had declared holidays for schools and institutions. This meant that your graduation day would be cancelled too. I was disappointed. Just 2 days before the graduation day the school management decided to go ahead with the celebrations as they had conducted a poll and maximum parents had agreed to give a go-ahead for it.

On your big day, your dad dropped you to the venue and we followed later. I saw you crying inconsolably in the dressing room. I knew you were scared. The stage was overwhelming for you. The sound was disturbing for you. Seeing a lot of people made you anxious. You hugged me tight and said that you don't want to dance. My heart sank. But I knew that this was the most important moment for me to let you out there and overcome your stage fear. Your performance was the last. I began prepping you up. We saw the dances of your junior mates together. I promised you a cake and a chocolate if you danced well. You still feared going up there. I held your hand till the stage and just prayed for your courage. You stood on the stage looking for me. I saw you smile brightly after you saw me near the stage and your fear was gone. The song started playing and you just went by the flow and danced your heart out my boy. You had conquered your fear. I had tears rolling down my eyes. I was in awe of your tiny little feet that danced their way through my heart. You danced brilliantly my baby, but the most important was that you fought you stage fear.

After the performance you all were dressed up in your graduation robes and each one of you was called on the stage and presented your graduation gift and certificate. You termed it as your gift. I smiled at your innocence and was delighted to see you in those black robes which I always envied and wanted to wear. I am living my dreams through you baby. You are my weakness. You are a big boy today.
